200+ Deep & funny Fortnite quotes that will hit you hard!

The only place you ever need if you want a bunch of Fortnite quotes whether they’re deep or funny, we’ve got it all.

You might have come across several lines that hit deep inside as if they are secretly passing some hidden lessons to you. Players are coming up with their Fortnite quotes that grab your attention and motivate you in some way.

Some relationships are like the Storm, the longer you stay, the more damage you take.

When your circle gets smaller, it means you’re winning.

An inspirational Fortnite quote that motivates the players
Beautiful image With Fortnite related lines

Fortnite has been one of the most interesting and popular games in the online world. Most players who played this game for a long time are connected with it in one way or the other.

Quotes are one of the best ways to share your feelings related to the game, without being weird. They solve your problems of searching for words that are related to both the game and life.

An image with Fortnite Quotes
An image with Fortnite Quotes

Here are some deep Fortnite quotes that go hard:

An image with a quote about the Fortnite video game
Fortnite quotes

When your circle gets smaller, it means you’re winning.

And that’s when you should become more careful! Because smaller circle means you’re competing against those who aim for the same goal. And this quote does have a deep meaning in life.

Fortnite deep and sad quotes
Fortnite deep and sad quotes

Don’t get carried away, even the winners are dragged back to the lobby.

Winning shouldn’t be your priority, as winner are sent to the same lobby as anyone else. The best thing to do in enjoy the process. Getting carried away and focusing primarily on winning leads to frustration in most cases.

Maturity is realising that 1 medkit is better than 10 bandages.

It’s a lesson that reminds people about the difference between quality and quantity. Bandages won’t heal a player to the maximum health no matter how many of them you carried. But a single medkit is enough.

Gliders help you at your highest, and leave you at your lowest.

A sad Fortnite meme related to events in the game
Fortnite meme

Beware of the people who are like those gliders. There are many options to get down, but when it comes to getting up, you’re left alone to climb.

Don’t wish it were easier, wish you were better.

An image with Fortnite motivational quotes
An image with Fortnite motivational quotes

The game’s getting tough and difficult with every update. New players are joining the fun everyday and trying their best. And it’s a good thing to keep pushing and perfecting the skills everyday.

Stay woke kings Fortnite quotes
Fortnite ‘stay woke kings’ quote

Don’t treat her like a rare item if she treats you like a gray pistol. Stay woke kings! πŸ’€πŸ’€

A Fortnite meme quote that’s famous within the community. It stands for the fact that efforts should only be applied and used when it’s honestly appreciated. Attention should be given only to those who respect our efforts.

An image with Fortnite quotes of the day
An image with Fortnite quotes of the day

If your enemies can make edits, then bruh! It was never your build to begin with!

By the way, it’s not about Fortnite! If you notice the enemies making edits, it’s better to give up that particular battle. It won’t end up in your favour.

If she doesn’t accept your gray pump, why take her to the upgrade bench?

Zesty @OE_Zesty

Isn’t this line relatable?

Remember, people will push you when your health is Low.

It contains a double meaning that stands for the game and life at the same time. In battle Royale, the best opportunity to push is when the opponent’s health is lower, even if just a little.

Sometimes you have to pick the g{}n up to put the G{}n down.

That’s the Fortnite rule! They won’t let you wonder around the map. You’ll be targeted from every direction.

An image with a Fortnite quote about life
Fortnite quoted about life

Maturity is when you realise, that the walls won’t protect you forever. You’ve got to let it go at some point!

Get out of your comfort zone and face other players. The walls are aren’t a stepping stone, they’re temporary releif.

Fortnite is not about winning, it’s about annoying others.

I made this quote keeping third-partying in mind. Isn’t it kind of annoying when they get you from behind?

Opened chests never glow. πŸ’€

Because its purpose has been served and no longer contains any value, this line does have references besides Fortnite. And it hurts when you think about it and relate it to life.

Be like a Fortnite rare item. Not everyone can play with you.

Several items are very hard to spot. Even money can’t buy those items. It takes time for us to realise if we are being played with. However, the key is to accept the past and move on. Cutting off relationships with people might sound difficult, but it’s not impossible.

You can change the skin from the outside, but it’s the same player inside.

Fortnite quotes for the day
Fortnite quotes for the day

One the the most common things in games like Fortnite, COD, and PUBG is that we have choose skins for the desired characters. Those skins does offer cool appearance but doesn’t change anything in terms of stats or skills.

No matter how costly your skins are, everyone can get a victory Royale.

As I mentioned above, skins won’t effect your skils. They might change the appearance, but at the end of the day, it’s the same player. And that’s the beauty of Fortnite, everyone has an equal change to improve with skills.

Just because the door is closed, doesn’t mean no one has opened it before.

An important reminder that things can be tricky at times. People could purposefully close the door to make it look like an unopened chest.

They spectate only when you’re winning.

This incident can be best described by those players who live stream. In most of the cases, their viewers count doesn’t go up, until they’re pushing hard till the last circle.

If the door is open, it’s already been looted, bro. πŸ’€πŸ’€

That’s the sad reality! By the time you find out, it’s already too late.

"If the door is open" Fortnite sigma quote
Fortnite Sigma quote

Pros have simply formed the habit of doing things, n*obs don’t like to do.

They spend a lot of time in the training ground, which might sound boring to a lot of players. But, if you go through some Fortnite tips, it will become clear that training everyday is crucial.

The strom is a challenge, not the means to an end.

Just like the storm in Fortnite, we all have difficult situations in life. But, the storm can be overcome by getting out of there. Try doing the same thing in life as well. Face the storm and come out victorious.

When the circle get smaller, doesn’t mean you’re lonely, it means you’re winning!

A situation that’s mostly faced by those who are truly focused on improving. That’s okay king! You’re on the right path, don’t worry about your circle, there are wonderful things lying ahead.

Remember, not even the strongest shield can protect you from the storm.

There are certain situations which can’t be fixed with normal solutions.

Who needs luck when you’ve got skill?

Skills are the main source of confidence that you’ll make it to the top!

Life is like Fortnite, when you’re progressing, the circle will become smaller.

There are a lot of similarities between the two. When you start to feel like your circle is getting smaller, take note that it’s for the greater good.

The more you camp, the worst you get.

Camping is like waiting for the opportunity to come to you, instead of going out there and finding it yourself. It’s one of those practices that dulls the skills of most players.

If she says that you mean the world to her, just remember that every Fortnite maps end at some point.

Don’t fall for it! If the Fortnite map could end, what cannot?

Life is like the circle, it keeps getting smaller and harder to survive.

Everyone ignores the circle and the storm’s damage during the early game. But life and Fortnite, both gets difficult with time.

Don’t spend too much time looting. You might not even get the chance to use them.

I have experienced this countless times. Looting is one of the fun parts of games like Fortnite, but, what’s the use of carrying so many items if there might not even be the chance to use them? Simply enjoy with whatever you have while you work to get more.

An image with an inspirational Fortnite quote
An image with an inspirational Fortnite quote

If she was never there with you in the storm, why bring her to the final circle?

They should’ve been with you in difficult situations.

“Be ambitious and take risks: that’s life!” – Jim Rohn

Simply worrying won’t change anything!

Keep in mind, at the beginning, even the bots were better than you.

And here you are, with so much Progress. Keep pushing further.

The moral high ground to which I aspired had turned into a slippery slope.

Keep in mind that even the High grounds won’t favour you in all the situations.

Don’t expect to have a good loot, if the only thing you do is camp in the bush.

Good loot requires a lot of time and effort.

It’s easier to build in Fortnite, than to repair yourself in real life.

That’s the difference between a game and life.

In Fortnite, if you’re too much focused on building, you’ll be sh0t from every direction.

A reminder to always keep an eve on the map and the surroundings around you.

We fail, We Break, We Fall but then We Rise, We Heal, We Overcome.

But we never give up! That’s the beauty of gaming.

Things and people both change with time. Remember, Scar was once a rare item.

Time is the most important force. It changes us along with the environment. There were rare weapons like the Scar in Fortnite, and the AWM in PUBG. Players were curious and impatient to get their hands on these items. But now they’re common and has lost their value.

It’s only when the map changes, that people start to care about the old ones.

People don’t care about the importance of things until they’re gone, just like the maps in Fortnite.

Below are some Fortnite Quotes of the day:

Each dayis a new beginning, and therefore, it’s important for everyone of us to encourage the spirit with something new and hard hitting. Start you day fresh with these Fortnite quotes that are well suited to move your inner self.

If my life was Fortnite, I’d be on the default skin level.

Not making any progress right! Haha, it’s a funny one.

It’s the storm that tests the strongest sailor.

The storm is a challenge that tests the players and their devotion towards winning. Although the damage dealt at the beginning isn’t a threat, it becomes the opposite during the late game.

If you weren’t there for me on the swings, don’t expect me to be there for you on High ground.

A relatable quote that connects both life and Fortnite. It implies that one shouldn’t expect to enjoy the victory along with you, if they didn’t help during your difficult times.

β€œWinning doesn’t always mean being first. Winning means you’re doing better than you’ve ever done before.”

Bonnie Blair

It’s known as progress in the process. We are our own competition, and to grow is to be able to do better than you did before.

In Fortnite, fun is all that matters, everything else is optional.

They’re optional in a sence that their significance is not mandatory for achieving the ultimate outcome. Have fun and worry less about ranking up.

It’s not about how much loot you have, it’s about how you use them.

What’s the use of collecting immense loot if their purpose is never served? You might have noticed that pro players hardly spend any time looting. Their primary focus is always to increase the elimination count.

In Fortnite, I’m a fierce warrior. In real life, I’m scared of bugs.

That’s the story of most players!

Losing is just an opportunity to shine brighter.

With all the lessons and experiences, trying again become interesting as well as fun.

Run Loot D!e Repeat βœŒπŸ˜…πŸ˜Ž

Fortnite explained in short.

No shortcuts to victory; only sweat, skills, and strategy!

These are the essential elements determining a successful gameplay.

Fortnite reminds me that even in the face of adversity, we can rise to the challenge.

Even after being surrounded by several other players, we find our way out to the safety. And in rare cases, we overcome and take control of the situation.

Building ramps, and building relationships. Both are out of my grasp.

For those who aren’t good at building both of these things. it is best suited to use as captain for Instagram.

The extra energy required to make another effort is the secret of winning.

Just when you feel like you’ve done enough, that’s where the main event begins. Instead of giving up, consider giving it a little extra effort.

Taking cover and making every sh0t count!

Another quote suitable for caption.

Taking down foes and building a legacy is my new hobby!

There are many other Battle Royale games but Fortnite is unique thanks to it’s building feature.

If it doesn’t challenge you, it won’t change you.

Challenges make you work hard into something. They bring along lessons and experiences.

I survived because the fire inside me was burning greater than the fire around me.

When the dedication is great than the challenge.

People seek for GΞΌn, Whereas I seek for Fun!

The primary goal is to have fun, either solo or with squad.

Play different if you want different. A single key won’t open every lock.

Have your own unique play style. Copying strategies from pro players won’t always get you further. Afterall, it was their preference to use those setting and strategies. You can do better by experiencing new tools and tactics.

If you want to be strong, learn to fight alone.

Your squad might be carrying you now. But building individual skills is the only way to push in the long run.

united we stand, divided we fall! #fortnitesquad

Unity is of essence in most of the multiplayer games.

Fortnite isn’t just a game anymore, tbh, it’s an emotion.

It has been more than 5 years since the game was released. It’s like an emotion for regular players. Not just Fortnite but any other games.

In a world full of games, I chose Fortnite.

The world is full of games. The entire system is like a game where we are the players trying to achieve higher rank and better stats.

When you’re at the top, everyone tries to drag you down.

It’s a common practice in Fortnite.

To be at the top means to be at your strongest.

So that none could afford to drag you down.

The further you are into something, the more it hurts when you lose.

It hurts when we make it to the last zone and doesn’t end up winning.

Fortnite: The battleground that hones your instincts!

Because we’re always aware of the surroundings. Complete focus and attention are in constant use.

We’re not born winners. We have to make ourselves into winners by our dedication to the grind.

Dedication is the key to unlocking sweet rewards in any field.

The greatest lesson you learn from Fortnite is that success is always followed by risks.

There are always risks of being stopped by others. Positioning is another factor that determines the survival of a player in Fortnite. With recent updates we are introduced with some mobility items that align well with the no-build mode.

No matter how small, all creatures have a right to exist in this world, no matter how n**b, every player has the right to play.

Some sad quotes about Fortnite;

The further you are into something, the more it hurts when you lose.

Life is like Fortnite, when you’re progressing, the circle will become smaller.

It’s only when the map changes, that people start to care about the old ones.

Maturity is when you realise, playing Fortnite ain’t feeding everyone.

I treated her like a rare item, she treated me like the gray pist0l.

It’s only when you’re winning, that people spectate.

Grinding 😩 in Fortnite. I’m done with the reality πŸ™‚

I’m not lonely coz I play Fortnite. I play Fortnite because I’m lonely.

Starting bad doesn’t mean you can’t conquer.

Some start with common loot, and some start with gold, but in the end, it’s all about how you use them.

Sometimes, even the unpopular locations contain the best loot.

Fortnite Sigma Grindset quotes;

An image with Fortnite sigma grindset quote
Fortnite sigma grindset quote

It’s not about the size of your map, it’s about how long you last in the game!πŸ’€πŸ’€

Never mind skins! Afterall, it’s the same player inside.

If she says that you mean the world to her, just remember that every Fortnite maps end at some point.

Getting successful without hard work is like camping in Fortnite and expecting awesome loot.

It’s not about the gun, it’s always about the aiming skills.

The devil whispered in my ear “You’re n00b” I replied “yes”.

Short Fortnite quotes to make your day cheerful!

Before trying to master Fortnite, master the controls, haha.

Losing and winning are mere titles. Fun is what we seek!

In Fortnite, every decision can mean the difference between life and death.

If you cannot outsmart them, just outfight them.

Champions keep playing Fortnite until they get it right.

A true Fortnite player never looks down on others.

Fortnite doesn’t make us violent, lag does.

Failure doesn’t mean the game is over!

Life is full of choices; I choose Fortnite.

Every defeat is a step closer to victory.

Taking cover, but never backing down!

Lose, but try again with experience.

Comparing Fortnite with other games is a disrespect to Fortnite.

Fortnite never belonged to those who gave up easily.

Fortnite; where every match is a rollercoaster of emotions!

Just a Fortnite player on a mission to win!

No matter how small, all creatures have a right to exist in this world, and no matter how n**b, every player has the right to play.

Winning is a habit. The more you practice, the luckier you get.

Persistence turns ordinary players into Fortnite legends.

I’m not camping; I’m tactically waiting.

Fortnite quotes about winning and winners:

The quotes related to winners might be helpful for you in motivating or inspiring the teammates. These lines come from some well know or popular personalities who were acknowledged for their works.

The harder the battle, the sweeter the victory.

β€œAbility is what you’re capable of doing. Motivation determines what you do. Attitude determines how well you do it.”

– Lou Holtz

β€œA true Fortnite winner doesn’t seek only the title. A true Fortnite player seeks growth.

In Fortnite, winners are those who enjoy the game.

Failure is simply the opportunity to begin again, this time more intelligently.

Sometimes the best defence is a good offence.

Do you have faith in your teammates? Below are some lines for you!

Teamwork makes the dream work in Fortnite.

Fortnite taught me that teamwork and communication are the keys to victory.

Friends that slay together, stay together!

β€œA boat doesn’t go forward if each one is rowing their own way.”

Swahili Proverb

Squad goals: Survive together, win together.

Many hands make light work.

β€œA team is more than a collection of people. It is a process of give and take.”

Barbara Glacel

Fortnite squad: Together, we ride the waves of triumph!

The nicest thing about teamwork is that you always have others on your side.”

Margaret Carty

Fortnite; where friends become squadmates and squadmates become family!

Here are some lines for pro players:

Pro players often find themselves in a position where people seek their help. It’s the hardwork and determination that resulted in their mastery over the game. Below are some quotes that you can use to describe your gameplay.

  • Dropping into action like a boss!
  • Aim high, shoot straight, and never back down!
  • Fortnite; Where legends are born!
  • In Fortnite, expect the unexpected.
  • Fear the axe-weilding warrior!
  • I don’t lose; I learn and level up.
  • Be the strategist of your own destiny.
  • Strategy is our best weapon.
  • Fortnite; where every shot counts and every move matters!
  • Looting today, conquering tomorrow.
  • The battleground is my second home!

Funny Fortnite quotes for Instagram;

  • If someone pauses their game just to text you back, marry them.
  • Maturity is when you realise, it’s already morning! πŸ˜‚
  • Never giving up on my dreams, even if it’s empty.
  • The only thing I throw back on Thursdays is my gren@de.
  • What do you call a dinosaur playing Fortnite? A Flossoraptor.
  • If Fortnite was offline, I would probably be a pro player.
  • Building forts in Fortnite like I build excuses in real life.
  • Looting my way to victory!
  • My Fortnite skills are like fine wine; they only get better with time!
  • In a committed relationship with Fortnite.
  • We don’t play the games where winning is fix. Because victory is sweet when there are lots of risks.
  • My love for Fortnite is like the zone – it knows no boundaries.
  • I was a Fortnite God, but then, i woke up!
  • Mess with the best, you will d!e like the rest.


So, did you find what you were looking for? I hope this post was helpful to you in making your Fortnite journey a litte more interesting.

As I mentioned in the introduction, this post contains all types of Fortnite quotes, there are those deep lines that hit hard every time you read them. And funny quotes are inevitable when talking about Fortnite.

Are you a beginner? If yes then try these Fortnite tips in no build mode.

What were the Fortnite quotes about highground?

Some people lend in the highground, while some build their highground themselves. β€œIf all you know is bush camp, not even the high grounds can protect you.” β€œWalk through the mud in life, if you ever want to get to the higher ground.”

Is there any Fortnite quote about life?

β€œMaturity is when you realise, that the walls won’t protect you forever. You’ve got to let it go at some point!” β€œIf my life was Fortnite, I’d be on the default skin level.”

Where do I get some cool Fortnite captions for instagram?

β€œFortnite, the game that keeps me coming back for more!” β€œOn the battlefield, I’m a force to be reckoned with!” β€œ In a committed relationship with Fortnite.” There are more than 100 captions that you can use for your Instagram captions, or bio.