60+ Deep Genshin Impact quotes and voice lines

This article contains nearly 30 deep Genshin Impact quotes from different characters that will hit hard. The game features several characters with top notch quotes that players find attached to.

 It’s easy to fix a machine when you know how it’s built and how it works. But people… they’re much more difficult. 

— Freminet

Genshin Impact has a loyal share of regular players who are well acquainted with the beauty that the game offers. Starting from the graphics to well-defined characters along with their intriguing story.

The characters are lore the major reason behind the massive success of Genshin along with several other factors.

An inspirational Genshin quote
An inspirational Genshin quote

Here’s a list of some Genshin quotes from Several characters:

An image with Genshin Impact quotes
Genshin Impact quotes
  • It’s up to me to decide who I want to be and to cut my own path. No one can tell me what to do. — Chiori
  • Even if life’s all in a jumble, you can sort it out as long as there’s a whisper of the wind. — Venti
  • Every journey has its final day. Don’t rush. — Zhongli
Quotes from Genshin Impact
Quotes from Genshin Impact
  • Rain… If only it could cleanse the corrupt souls of this world. — Diluc
  • A Vision may seem like a great tool, but one day, the power one accumulates always finds a way to turn back on you. — Lisa
  • What they say is true: You have to see the world for yourself to appreciate how beautiful it is. — Nahida
Nahida quotes
#Nahida quotes
  • Can freedom mandated by the God of Freedom be considered freedom at all? — Venti
  • You should know that all power comes at a price. For every bit of power you gain, so too do you gain more responsibility. — Zhongli
  • Come on Traveler, let’s go! The world is full of lost ballads just waiting to be rediscovered. — Venti
An emotion Genshin quote from Venti
An emotion Genshin quote from Venti
  • Going out into the world and investigating, turning the “unknown” into the “known.” Ahhh, I missed this feeling. — Albedo
  • Should the day ever come that we are not together, you will continue to shine like gold in my memories — Zhongli
  • Power is necessary if we are to meet our objectives. — Diluc
Best Genshin quotes from Diluc
Best Genshin quotes
  • Mwuhahaha, lucky all my new bombs are waterproof! — Klee
  • The darkness that seethes with evil, full of demons that must be vanquished, will take more than a blade to be torn asunder. — Diluc
  • Relationships are… quite troublesome. Once you establish a relation with someone, you must continue to maintain it; if you lose contact, you must reestablish the relation. — Albedo
  • Listen, as long as you stick to your own path, it doesn’t matter what Mother Nature throws at you. — Diluc
  • My Vision can’t turn back time. But at least it gives me the power to protect the people that matter most. — Qiqi
  • A successful day starts from the morning. Let’s give it our all today. — Jean
  • I’m not lazy, I just know to save my energy for when I need it most. — Lisa
  • There’s just never enough time, is there? Even when I remove the most troublesome matters from my schedule, I still can’t find enough time for everything. — Albedo
  • I swear by this sword, victory shall be yours. — Jean
  • Do you wanna come fish blasting with me? I’ll get grounded for a whole day, but it’s way worth it coz the fish taste sooo good! — Klee
  • A true knight can’t afford to be a picky eater.— Jean
  • There’s no such thing as pure freedom in this world. Even the wind cannot blow on forever. — Wanderer
  • Some use the wind’s whistling to drown out the sound of their crimes. — Diluc
  • My past? So, you want to get to know me a little better, huh? That’s a story for another day. But I’m touched that you asked. — Lisa
  • Every course of action has its risks. Be careful. — Diluc
  • My greatest wish? It has always been to roam free and experience the whole world. — Venti
  • Only glorious victories are recorded in legends and history books. Surely even the great knights of old must have had their struggles? Wind, please show me the path. — Jean
  • The past cannot be changed, and the future cannot be foretold. As a result, I make sure to always cherish the here and now. — Cyno
  • The past is set in stone, but you can keep moving on. And the longer your future lasts, the shorter your past will become, until one day it is but a tiny fraction of your life. — Nahida
  • Visions are a light in the sea of darkness that surrounds those who have lost their way. But for those who have faith, they are little more than badges of conviction. — Diluc
  • Osmanthus wine tastes the same as I remember… But where are those who share the memory? — Zhongli
  • Don’t be afraid to make mistakes. It’s all part of the learning process. — Tighnari
  • Should the day ever come that we are not together, you will continue to shine like gold in my memories”- Zhongli
  • Only once you know and respect death can you truly understand the value of life. — Hu Tao
  • “Perhaps empathy is mankind’s proudest achievement after all?” – Azhdaha
  • People try to avoid pain and stay in their perceived bubbles of safety out of an instinct to protect themselves. This is human nature, but it is also one of their weaknesses.” – Nahida
  • Get some good rest! Ya know… Use the bathroom and flush your anxiety dookie away — Nahida
  • “But the discussion is meaningless if everyone has the same opinion, no?” – Zhongli
  • “My Vision can’t turn back time. But at least it gives me the power to protect the people that matter most.” — Qiqi
  • “Despite the sadness, I have found many things that bring me joy in life. It is simply the nature of the world in which we live that even if one wished to mourn for an eternity, it would be a nigh-impossible feat.” – Madame ping
  • In the end, all that remains is beautiful. Those who part will come to meet again in Sarva. – Arama
  • “It’s important to keep your priorities straight.” – Alhaitham

Best Genshin Impact quotes with deep meaning:

Hu Tao quotes and voice lines
Hu Tao quotes and voice lines

Only once you know and respect death can you truly understand the value of life. — Hu Tao

Life is the most beautiful gift one could ever hope to receive. However, death is just like the other side of the coin in the case of life. Acknowledging the value of death results in getting closer to understanding the true beauty of life. 

“Good things come to those who don’t wait around!” Knowing my luck, the opposite is probably true for me.. — Bennett

He’s one unlucky character! Most of his quotes are related to luck. Looking back, almost of the incidents in his life turned out to be opposite to how he wanted! 

However, judging by the quality of gameplay Benette offers, it’s quite a disappointment to see one of our favorite characters to have had such a miserable past where nothing he desired ever seemed to work out.

It’s good. So good, I don’t want to eat all of it in one go. — Freminet

This is the quote with the deepest meaning so far. You’ll need to understand that the main subject in this line isn’t food. Anything that’s deeply connected with us or close to our hearts isn’t something we would want to end soon.

We wish for them to stay as long as possible. If you truly love someone, you will unconsciously want them to stay forever.

Genshin Impact and Honkai are quite similar. check out some Honkai quotes and voice lines.

“If you can change something, change it. If you can’t, don’t waste time thinking about it”

— Beidou

Moving on is the ultimate option if there’s nothing else to be done. Sticking around something that doesn’t show any sign of change is foolish! 

Once you move on, better things might approach your way and you’ll realise that it was worth it.

Don’t stand too close to me, or you might get hit by lightning too. — Bennett

In life, we don’t want some people to get closer to us. It might be a realisation for the safety of those people. Quotes like this are often used in movies and Mangas or other materials to describe a character’s uncontrollable behaviour. 

The past cannot be changed, and the future cannot be foretold.  – Cyno

There’s no point dwelling in the past. And even after coming across quotes like this, people tend to ignore their message and judge themselves based on their past. However, the past should only influence your present in positive ways. Never let it hold you back! There’s no time to regret in this busy world.

I’m sorry, I can’t really think of any good stories to share. the ones I do know will just bring down your mood. — Freminet

Did you realise that she’s trying to gain your sympathy? Judging by these words, her past might have been a difficult one. 

Quotes like this serve as the mediator between the player and the character.

I think I get why you teamed up with me now. It’s ’cause we’re the same, you and I — we both like that adrenaline rush you get from being in dangerous situations. That’s what makes adventuring so addictive! — Bennett

The game is filled with fun and adventure! And the way she represents this in-game quote, makes you feel more connected to the game.

“If you lie on the grass, you can feel the heartbeat of the world” — Ganyu

Lying in the grass is a reference to finding peace all alone by yourself. Spending time with nature could sometimes cure most of the problems that one’s going through.

Hearing your heartbeat will make you realise the value of existence. Try finding someplace away from the busy world of machinery and technology, it will allow you to self-exploration.

Keqing quotes and voice lines from Genshin Impact
Keqing quotes and voice lines

Yesterday’s experiences make me stronger today.— Keqing

The characters in Genshin Impact constantly strive to pass down certain impactful lessons to you! 

Experiences make you a winner! Never underestimate its ability to transform your journey. That being said, try new things instead of wondering about what might happen if you lose! Don’t set boundaries for yourself!

But if the gods haven’t given up on me, I guess that means I shouldn’t give up on me either. — Bennett

Giving up simply isn’t an option for a lot of us. Most of the winners suggest to keep trying until you eventually make it there. And in the end, you’ll have a lot of experience if nothing.

Giving up might be a temporary releif that helps us get away from all the hard work and troubles. But one day it’s gonna be a major regret.

Nahida quotes:

Nahida quotes and voice lines
Nahida quotes and voice lines

You have to see the world for yourself to appreciate how beautiful it is.

The more you explore, the more beautiful this world gets. It’s a fact that exploring new places and travelling is the best way to appreciate your existence in this beautiful world.

Never miss any opportunity to come across new places and people.

Good morning. We should get going right away. There are too many things in this world that you’ll miss if you don’t get there on time.

Once you start exploring the world, you’ll wish there was enough time to appreciate all the other beauties as well. Take action before it’s too late.

I hear that playing games is a good way to quickly bring people closer together.

 Playing games has become one of the reliable ways for introverted people to interact with others. It’s like an opportunity for one to open up and make friends with people all across the world. 🙂

We only yearn for the skies because we cannot fly.

 Some things are better when they’re unreachable! It allows us to appreciate its beauty and presence.

People often say that wisdom isn’t about what you know, but knowing what you can change. 

Change doesn’t necessarily mean accomplishing something big and highlighting yourself in front of the world. 

 Change starts from within! The biggest enemy you’ll ever face is yourself. Take initiatives to make changes for the better good.

Zhongli quotes:

Nothing can be accomplished without rules or standards. 

Rules and standards set the limits and requirements that one must be bound by. It even paves the way for those who start from nothing. 

For those who live too long, the friends of days gone by and scenes from their adventures live on in their memories. 

This quote is very much relatable when you lose someone who was a major part of your smile. The memories you make together remain forever to cherish.

If you’re reading this, I recommend you to watch Frieren anime/manga to understand this quote better.

One man’s stone is another man’s gem.

 Learn to appreciate everything you have. Someone out there is working their @$h off to get all those. 

Keqing quotes and voice lines;

In adventuring, as in business, you always have to seize the opportunity while it’s there.

 Believe me, when I say this, opportunities don’t remain forever. And we shouldn’t depend on luck to knock on our door and provide better options.

 There are several stories and novels where it’s mentioned that people regret ignoring even the little opportunities.

If you feel strongly about something, you should speak up and take action. That’s the philosophy I live by.

 That’s where most people get beat. Their hearts are filled with thoughts that they wish to express. But, fear gets the best of them. 

Life would have been a lot easier if those words were simply spoken. 

Look back at all those mistakes you have committed by keeping the silence. Gather the courage to accept that you won’t repeat the same mistake of letting it go.

Good music is good music. And good music should reach the widest possible audience.

Unfortunately, most of those good pieces of music never experience the attention they deserve. Talents remain underrated until they finally fade away. 

When your heart is set on something, you get closer to your goal with each passing day.

The desire won’t give up on you until you decide to. Set your heart ablaze and hang on to it. Refrain from giving up before you’ve tried the best possible effort. 

Yesterday’s experiences make me stronger today. And most of those experiences are ones that I share with you.

It makes you stronger if you decide to accept it.

Ganyu quotes:

To exist in the first place is a beautiful thing, and that’s enough… isn’t it?

The entire point of this quote was to explain that proving ourselves to others should be the goal, as it has no significance. There are wonderful things that can be done even without the approval of others.

Beautiful treasures are a cause for great happiness.

Beautiful treasures that exist within ourselves. Doing good deeds and spreading positive vibes are a great way to enjoy the beauty of those treasures. Find your treasures or build them.

Also read; Best Minecraft Quotes for inspiration.

Alao read; Best HellDivers 2 quotes and voice lines.

Genshin impact quotes sad;

The game offers several characters who have had a difficult past, and as a result, we get to encounter several of their voice lines that are sad. Below are some of them.

“My lupical is my only family. But I don’t have four legs, not like them. Because I’m not a real wolf. Sometimes this makes me sad.”


Razor is trying to explain the grief that it faces for not being one of them completely. It might not sound all that important to us, but to her, it’s kind of a setback.

“Imagine, a world consisting of you and you alone, with no one else to reflect you back at yourself; how awful that would be.”

Yae Miko

This Genshin quote reminds that socializing is the main force behind the constant development of this world. A person alone would never be able to reach their max potential. There is strength and courage in togetherness.


The characters in Genshin Impact come with complex and friendly personalities that attract the attention of players. Their quotes define their background and relation with other characters from the lore.

I hope you enjoyed all these quotes from different characters in Genshin Impact!

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Hello everyone, I'm Purosotam, the owner of this site. Creating Blogs and writing has been my passion ever since I explored the internet. I usually write quotes-related articles, however, anime/manga and gaming are something that add fun to my busy life...

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