100+ Sad & Inspirational League of Legends (LOL) quotes

League of Legends is incomplete without the quotes from all the champions. It’s something that keeps the players connected with the champion they’re playing with.

Every champion has their own story where they have had some special part to play.

In this post, I have shared nearly 100 League of Legends quotes that go hard. However, this list contains only those lines which are Inspirational or serve best as a lesson.

The quote by AATROX, "I'm not a king, I'm not a god, I'm worse"
AATROX quotes

The champions fall under different categories in terms of powers. There are six categories for the champions, mage, assassin, fighters, marksman, healers and tanks.

Inspirational Lol quotes for a bright start:

A League of Legends (LOL) quote about the beauty of life
A League of Legends (LOL) quote about the beauty of life
  • It took me too long to realise how beautiful life can be. – Arhi
  • I am not a king, I am not a god, I am… worse. – Aatrox
  • The heavens do not fear me because I am a god, they fear me because I am a man! – Pantheon
  • If you look dangerous, you better be dangerous. – Akali
A thought provoking LOL quote by Akali
A thought provoking LOL quote by Akali
  • We are what we overcome. – Pantheon
  • The height of their happiness is the depth of their pain. – Evelynn
  • Never become a monster to defeat one. – Karma
  • It’s not lies that cut, but the sharpness of the truth. – Camille
  • You learn a lot with your nose to the ground. – Naafiri
  • I never hurt anyone. It is the performance that kills. – Jhin
  • The strongest light is the one within. – Lux
  • What is strength if you do not use it? – Urgot
  • The only peace I seek… is death! – Aatrox
  • Forge your heart into something strong, unbreakable. – Rell
  • It is not the weapon that defines you, but how you wield it. – Camille
  • Without pain, how would they know pleasure? – Evelynn
  • I buried regret in a grave, along with my name. – Pantheon
  • Behind every mask… is another mask. – Jhin
  • There is a darkness in my heart deeper than any shadow! – Aatrox
  • Pressing forward is not the same as running from your mistakes. – Pantheon
  • Trust is a luxury no one can afford. – Rell
  • A lion is made from the wolves he has eaten. – Garen
  • Every smile is just a frown waiting to be turned upside down. – Evelynn
  • Which is the lie? The mask, or my face? – Jhin
  • Am I the abyss? Or did I gaze into it? – Aatrox
  • What a beautiful dream is life. – Yorick
  • A man once told me to put on some clothes. So I wore his skin. – Evelynn

These are some badass quotes from League of Legends Champions:

  • Watch your mouth, kid, or you’ll find yourself respawning at home! – Miss Fortune
  • It’s not the strongest who survive—it’s the most united. – Naafiri
  • Half the fun is letting them know you’re out there. – Miss Fortune
  • Everything has a place. Forgetting yours is dangerous. – Camille
  • Fear is the first of many foes. – Garen
  • Even the strongest can be overwhelmed. – Naafiri
  • The past is for sinners. The future is for the repentant. – Kayle
  • Sometimes scars are the most refined attire one can wear. – Camille
  • Story of my life. I got no rivals. They all died upon my arrival. – Ekko
  • The weak are condemned. – Urgot
  • The words on their tombstones will be my new mantras. – Akali
  • I might be a weapon, but now only I wield myself! – Briar

Now time for some sad Lol voice lines and quotes:

If I trusted people, I’d need even more armor. – Rell

For someone who’s concerned with Armor, safety matters a lot. However, this quote just goes to show the intensity of the overwhelming threat that comes with trusting humans.

Maybe the real surprise was the friends we killed along the way.

A sad realization that will tear apart the joy of reaching the destination. This quote means to value the people we meet on our journey. They’re important and it might be a regrettable choice to ignore or distort them.

The harsh memory of one’s past does not soften with age. – Camille

It remains the same and continues to either strengthen or break the soul. A strong will is necessary to make choices and not succumb to the horrors of those severe memories of the past.

People say they don’t like violence… but they all watch. – Sett

It’s rather sad but the quote speaks facts.

You cannot know strength… Until you are broken. – Urgot

Strength determines the position you’re left with after the battle. Once you break, it’s only then that people ease to differentiate between themselves and their for.

The right word cuts more deeply than a knife. – Camille

That happens in most cases.

Best League of Legends (LOL) quotes that hit different:

“The world has tried to forget my existence, time to remind them why they fear.” — Mordekaiser

League of Legends champion quotes
League of Legends champion quotes

“Wear A Mask Long Enough, And You Forget The Face Beneath.” – Yone

At the end of the day, individuality takes priority! In this modern era, people tend to focus more on the aspects that represent themselves as befitting in the eyes of society.

Remember that being yourself is the only thing that brings inner peace.

The unseen blade is the deadliest.” — Zed

It’s more of a lesson than a simple quote. It’s always good to be aware of the things that aren’t currently involved in your life. Some things don’t reveal themselves until their purpose is served.

One can be referred to as an unseen blade when one conceals most of themselves until it’s finally the time to act.

False kings cower beneath false crowns, a true lord takes what he will.” — Mordekaiser

Best LOL voice lines
Best LOL voice lines

In video games and Mangas, kings are represented as a symbol of hope for their people to prosper.

A crown isn’t just a valuable piece of metal. It’s something that represents the essence of being a guide and savoir.

False kings have been stopped throughout history, they lacked most of the essential qualities that should be represented by a king.

Those who do not know their limits will never reach their potential.” – Lee Sin

LOL quotes inspirational
LOL quotes inspirational

Knowing one’s limits helps them understand the amount of effort that’s needed to extend their limits. Pushing beyond the limits is what leads to change and development.

Most of the time we fool ourselves thinking that we are perfect the way we are. It does not only restrict growth but also provides a false realisation of perfect.

Get out of your comfort zone and take action towards improvement.

“There is a darkness in my heart deeper than any shadow!” — Aatrox

Aatrox is one of those characters who comes with formidable lines to look up to.

The lives of these characters are way too intriguing to simply ignore them.

“Am I the abyss? Or did I gaze into it?” — Aatrox

The Abyss could be referred to as anything evil. Its references in video games represent a character’s association with the darkness.

The famous quote goes like this, “When you gaze into the Abyss, the abyss gazes back.”

It stands for the notion that if you are involved with something deeply, it starts to get involved with you too. For eg. Spending a lot of time with people who are good at lying, teaches you some extent of their knowledge about lying.

People don’t always listen. But that’s no reason to keep quiet.” – Seraphine

League of Legends quotes that hit different
League of Legends quotes that hit different

You have to keep believing in yourself and never abandon things that matter or make sense. Even if it’s just you by your side, don’t back down!

Beauty shines from inside, where the heart dances.” — Neeko

Confidence gives you the ability to understand the uniqueness that’s inside the heart. It’s rare to gain appreciation from the world when you’re not certain of the beauty yourself.

Inner beauty is a charm that attracts the right things in the world. Be a soul with no darkness towards any other.

Evelynn voice lines
Evelynn voice lines

The height of their happiness is the depth of their pain.” — Evelynn

This quote suggests us to be humble. The more happier someone is, the more room there is for pain.

Living in fear is not living at all.” – Sejuani

Fear is a restraint to freedom. However, it’s important to fear because it pushes you to overcome it. Someone who fears failure will strive to overcome the challenges and attain their goals. Those are the things that we must fear.

Without pain, how would they know pleasure?” — Evelynn

The taste of pleasure is sweet when you’ve gone through the bitterness of the pain. It doesn’t only make you understand the importance of working hard but also teaches that pain is the way to succeed.

Pleasure without pain loses its significance in proving the excitement that it carries along.

Therefore, the beauty of winning can only be best described by those who experienced several failures.

An image with quotes about monsters

There are always opportunities to follow the good and deal with matters. You don’t need to sacrifice the good qualities to go up against something that’s the total opposite.

Genshin Impact is another game that features characters with awesome lines. Check out some Genshin Impact voice lines and quotes about love and life.

Ashe voice lines
Ashe voice lines

This League of Legends quote can be best described by understanding that not everyone backs down because they’re weak. Instead, they’re having mercy on the other person.

“You cannot know strength… Until you are broken.” — Urgot

Strength can be best experienced by those who have been very weak at any point in time. It implies the same logic that success can be appreciated well if you have tasted failure.

“What is strength if you do not use it?” — Urgot

It implies everything including, talent, possession, qualities, etc. Most people hide their talents for reasons that don’t even matter! There’s just a thin line between them and their talents. Cross the line and make use of it.

“Do you think me so weak as to fall for your charms?” — Urgot

Urgot represents a strong sense of awareness. He is sure to not be deluded by mere qualities that serve no purpose. Some characters use their charm to gain attention and move ahead.

However, it’s characters like Urgot who defy their fake qualities and compel them to reveal what they truly are.

Here are some Honkai quotes for Genshin players.

“It’s not the strongest who survive—it’s the most united.” — Naafiri

In this quote, survival is simply another word for moving forward. Individual efforts have their fair share of benefits, but grouping and making better decisions is the ultimate reason for humanity to advance.

Together we are accomplishing even the impossible!

“Even the strongest can be overwhelmed.” — Naafiri

We get to see examples of those incidents way too often in our daily lives. It reminds us to not underestimate the flow of time. There might be those who are better than us. It’s just that they don’t reveal their presence.

The ego is an illusion. A survival trick, for a feeble mind.” — Naafiri

It’s a fake realisation of being the best or better than others, without testing one’s limits or working hard to improve it.

It is being referred to as an illusion because people tend to imagine a version of themselves who’s the best in everything. And that fake satisfaction refrains them from acknowledging their true potential.

Fear is the first of many foes.” — Garen

One might encounter several challenges on their way to working on something, but fear of not being able to do it, or fearing the outcome of the attempt, results in them not even trying at all.

Our deeds shape the future.” — Garen

This LOL quote is as clear as a day! Our every action influences the future.

“I learnt from a young age to embrace the shadows.” — Kayle

Face the challenges head-on! If you try to hide, they’ll become even bigger.

“What is broken can be reforged.” — Riven

So don’t give up hope or surrender!

Learn from your mistakes.” — Riven

Among all the other League of Legends characters, Riven is a good source of motivation along with the gameplay ability. Her personality reveals her deep knowledge and facts about life.

Adversity is the first path to truth.” — Riven

It might be a first step to the truth for her. But as for us, it’s a part of life that adds more sense and fun to it.

The right song can soothe the soul of a nation.” — Sona

But in most of the cases, the right songs don’t make it too far.

“I find inspiration in every smile and every tear.” — Sona

Every setback or success is a lesson to her. People like Sona never fail to assess the situation and its significance towards their goal.

Learning to gain from every situation isn’t easy, it requires experience and control over the emotions.

The climb may be long, but the view is worth it.” — Taric

The process of getting up might be difficult, but the view would provide you with an aspect that one doesn’t usually come across. This quote is a reminder that it may take longer to get to your destination, but it’s going to be worth it.

I’ve been to the top of the mountain… and the bottom of the gutter. There’s much to learn from both.” — Taric

Both are equally important when it comes to learning something valuable. Being at the lower level shows the struggle that others go through, and while at the top, you achieve the rare view and absorb its beauty.

Lol, quotes about love:

Love is simply beauty crystallized.” — Taric

She waits for me beyond the mist. My queen. My love. My black and broken heart.” — Viego

League of Legends quotes are mostly centred around the characters themselves. Most of the Champions are self-obsessed, however, there is still a lot to learn from their experiences and backgrounds.

In this post, I have mentioned only those LOL quotes that are deeply related to life or contain Inspirational meaning.

League of Legends is a MOBA game with different types of champions with unique powers and abilities. Each champion’s quote can be heard while playing them.

We also have a list of best Mobile Legends quotes about love and life, make sure to check out.

Hello everyone, I'm Purosotam, the owner of this site. Creating Blogs and writing has been my passion ever since I explored the internet. I usually write quotes-related articles, however, anime/manga and gaming are something that add fun to my busy life...

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