Here are some deep quotes from Mavuika, the Pyro Archon!

Patch 5.0 of Genshin Impact was released on 28th August 2024, featuring a whole new region known as ‘Natlan’, which could also be referred to as the ‘land of war’ in the world of Genshin.

Mavuika was teased as the Pyro Archon long before the release of Natlan, which left players with several questions about there being another secret entity who could be the real Pyro Archon instead.

This article contains some of the noticeable quotes of Mavuika from the latest patch. Some of those lines explain the extent to which she’s ready to go when it comes to protecting her land and its people.

  • She’s a mortal human who possesses gold-like strength when it comes to battle capabilities.
  • Mavuika formulated a plan to defeat the abyss once and for all, which needed her to time travel 500 years into the future.
  • She will be a new 5-star playable character, speculated to be released in Genshin impact version 5.3.

Mavuika’s quotes about her nation in Genshin Impact:

People like us let our blades do the talking.

It’s her most famous line that’s currently circulating among the community. It also served as the introduction of Mavuika’s choices and decisions when it comes to suck situations, as she’s not only good with words but swords as well.

The people of Natlan look to me as their Archon, and the weight of their expectations is mine to bear. I must see our fate through to the very end, no matter what I may find there.

Various speculations were made regarding the true identity of Mauvika as the fake Pyro Archon. But right after the Natlan Archon quest dropped, we are more than sure about her being the real Pyro Archon of the present and also the one from 500 years ago. She’s the mastermind behind the new plans to fight back the abyss.

Humanity excels at living in the present, but too often, we forget the past and neglect the future.

Pyro Archon quotes
Pyro Archon quotes

Natlan is also known as the land of heroes and legends. Several strong and competent warriors have participated in the war against the abyss and defended their land. As a result, it’s unwise and unfair to forget them in the present. They must always be remembered for their noble and courageous deeds.

As for the future, we learn from Mavuika that Natlan has less than a year before encountering its ultimate doom. And the only possible way to prevent any such outcomes is to gather the warriors of the present to work alongside the Pyro Archon.

Skill, strategy, fortune, form… Many factors influence strength, but victory never lies.

Mavuika stands as the primary figure in uploading Natlan’s integrity and preventing it from succumbing at the hands of the abyss. Because this nation has been through a lot since the very beginning, but the citizens never gave up. They fought back and preserved their culture and will to continue defending everything that belongs to them.

As the Archon, I made a vow to defend this nation, and experiences like that… they remind me exactly what I’m trying to protect.

Mavuika quotes from Genshin Impact
Mavuika quotes from Genshin Impact

She foresaw the future and initiated a plan that required her to travel 500 years ahead to execute an all-out war with proper and efficient planning.

Mavuika may have some additional secrets regarding her position and relation with other Pyro Archons of the past, but her loyalty to the people as the Archon remains unquestionable!

Her actions so far indicate her standing as the embodiment of how an Archon should be. Her will to fight is unhinged as the people have complete faith in their present Archon. And it’s surely more than enough for Mavuika to hold her ground regardless of the unpredictable moves initiated by her foes.

If you still have regrets, let them fuel your resolve in the battles to come.

Said like a wise and smart Archon. Natlan featured the first Archon quest, where the traveler has to engage so much with the Archon of the nation. And it’s not just about the time they spend together or their conversation, but also the depth of understanding among themselves.

Mavuika appeared to be very welcoming towards the other characters including the traveller, and also provided several suggestions along the way. She never let anyone down and tried her best to keep up everyone’s spirit by stating the reasons and solutions to their causes.

She’s been the best motivational figure that we’ve ever encountered among all the Archons.

I’ll get straight to the point. Natlan is on the verge of destruction. It’s very possible our nation has less than a year before total devastation.

The Archon quest in days to come is supposed to be very interesting and tricky since it involves several secrets not just from the Fatui but also the abyss and the history of Natlan about its people, including the heroes and the Pyro Archons.

Just lamenting the fact that I never got a picture when I could still turn my hair into flames. Hehe, too late, now.

The fight between Mavuika and IL Capitano has ignited several discussions within the community, and people are still confused about the outcome of the battle since it wasn’t just the exchange of fits that concluded the battle, but also the purpose and intentions of Capitano.

One of the most noticeable feats of the Pyro Archon was her reply after the fight was over. She’s disappointed about not being able to capture a picture when her hair turned into flames. It indicates that Mavuika doesn’t give much weight to the amount of energy it took to battle Capitano.

It could be speculated that she still has other tricks up her sleeves, and the power she displayed wasn’t the extent of everything that she’s capable of.

Pride for you, my brave warriors. You give me faith that our innumerable sacrifices are not in vain, that the future of Natlan shall burn with the brilliance of a blazing fire!

Warriors of both the present and the past have yet to play many significant roles in the battles to come, not only against the abyss but the Fatui or other possible threats.

Since ancient names of the Braves warriors are inherited by the chosen ones, those legends who sacrificed themselves ages ago, still get to participate and be a passive part of activities to safeguard Natlan.

Quotes about Natlan and its people:

Even if the future ends in destruction, that’s still no reason to give up on the here and now. And it’s precisely because we humans cannot know our fate that we will never give up on our struggle.

It seems like she knows a lot about the things that are about to take place. One of the main sources to support this argument is the fact that Mavuika called the traveler casually during their first encounter. It was as if she had known him for a very long time.

She requested Mualani and the others to meet her, including the traveler, and both Paimon and the traveler were rendered surprised at that moment. She also explained to Mualani that knowing her faith early might have caused her to initiate her actions with the feeling of obligation instead of her own will to do them.

Natlan’s salvation lies not in its Archon, or any singular individual, but in us all.

Mavuika speaking about Natlan
Mavuika speaking about Natlan

It Explains the reasons why emphasis was laid on other characters, including some NCPs like Vichama, etc. The Archon, according to Mavuika, is supposed to be a leading head, instead of the one who burdens all the responsibilities alone or handles every matter of great importance by herself.

But, doubt is a means by which we seek the truth, not a weapon we wield against others.

It was when Kachina’s abilities were doubted and questioned by some of her teammates who abandoned her in forming a team together to participate in the events of the pilgrimage. They were envious of her after Kachina made it to the top 5 victors.

Mavuika successfully handled the argument by stating that it was a moment for them to investigate and figure out the reason behind the failure of ‘Ode of Resurrection’ to bring Kachina back from the ‘Night Kingdom ‘instead of doubting her abilities and driving to a conclusion.

He was a formidable opponent exactly what I would expect from the First of the Fatui Harbingers.

The fight between Mavuika and Capitano was one of the few epic battles that we ever encountered in Genshin. It was up to the hype that was created over the past few months. Being the Pyro Archon of the Nation of War, Mavuika is undoubtedly strong.

No matter what others may say, my past is a precious part of my identity. I’m forever proud of the life I used to lead.

Although it was hard for the traveler and Paimon to agree to her decision to leave her family behind and travel 500 years in the future, her reply was one of the most satisfying lines in the entire conversation.

she’s well aware of the consequences as the results of her decision; however, her faith and resolve remain strong, even though it was difficult for her to abandon her family for the sake of Natlan.

Becoming the Archon doesn’t mean you sever ties with your family. The position just comes with a lot of responsibilities, so it impacts how often you get to see them.

Most of the Pyro Archons are speculated to be humans, and as a result, they might have had the chance to live along with their families. But even if things were different for Mavuika, she accepted it as a part of her responsibilities.

That’s right. The hardest thing for humans to overcome has always been time —or rather, the natural limitations of our lifespan.

It was when she was explaining her journey as a Pyro Archon who ruled 500 years ago and then traveled into the future as a part of her plan to fight the abyss. The entire point of this conversation was to explain that she’s a mortal and couldn’t have possibly lived for such a long duration.

Knowing your destiny too early could mean failing to realize your full potential.

A response to all those who were seeking to learn about the events of the future.

The people and events of the past are never truly lost to us. We simply carry them with us in a different form. In that sense, we didn’t lose anything at all.

It might be true in almost all of the cases, but this quote implies greatly on the inhabitants of Natlan. The possession of ancient names by the present warriors is a strong reference. We also get to witness that the belongings of the legends could be used as fuel during the face of an emergency.

You could just as easily point out that everything in this world will come to an end eventually. But life is short, and beyond a point, it just doesn’t seem real.

Various arguments could be formed around that topic.

This is a war, and there can be no war without loss. I am already far more fortunate than those who lost their lives to the Abyss.

The Achon quest during the 5.0 phase was just the beginning, and there are still so many things to do before the war finally begins to take a direction. Mavuika may have lost the fortune to live with family, but she concludes that argument by referring to it as a necessary sacrifice.


Mavuika is surely different from other Archons in many ways. She appears to be very humble and welcoming towards everyone who approaches her. And her ability to fight also surpasses the might of some of the other Archons. However, we are yet to encounter her full capabilities in the days to come.

Check out some Genshin Impact quotes from other characters.

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