This article contains more than 100 quotes from the entire Yellowstone series. As interesting as it feels to watch the series, the quotes do something similar, too. Moreover, even though it has been a very long time since the release of the first-ever Yellowstone episode, I have made sure to add quotes from there as well.
Best Yellowstone quotes from every characters:
People talk about making a difference. But they don’t. Because they don’t try. They don’t risk. You risked. Everything.
Thomas Rainwater
I believe in loving with your whole soul and destroying anything that wants to kill what you love.
Beth Dutton
This fu##ing place. It’s a magnet for everything wrong in this fuc##ng world. – Walker
Karma comes in all shapes and sizes. Looks like it’s me today. – Walker

There’s only sharks and minnows in this world, Jimmy. If you don’t know which one you are, then you ain’t a fu##ing shark.
Rip Wheeler
A man who puts a hand on a member of my family never puts a hand on anything else.

You want to know how the west was won? The skeletons at the bottom of that canyon is how. Now all you gotta do is figure out how to not be one of them.
It’s an empire. Empires you take. Yellowstone ain’t a ranch.
My mother was the spine of this family. She was the center. Without her, he’sā¦ Well, the best of him died with her. And the same thing will happen to Kayce when you leave him again, and you will leave him again.
Beth Dutton
Winners are never judged by “how”. They save that for the losers.
God sure finds interesting ways to put people out of business.
We’re at war, you and me. When you die, I take the war to your family. Stop thinking about yourself. Think about your family, and tell me something that will save them.
Where’s the fun in wrecking a single man? When I break you, I want to know that I’m breaking generations.
Beth Dutton
Horses and cattle may be how the West was won, but death and taxes is how we’re gonna lose it.
Summer – I don’t know how much longer we’ll last. As a people, you know? I don’t think the planet’s going to tolerate us much longer.
John – That’s because people have stopped living with it, and started living on it. But you’re right. There will come a time when Earth sheds us like dead skin. And it will be our own fault.
You know, when you boil life down, its funny just how little you need, isn’t it?
Rip Wheeler
I don’t like to share the things I find beautiful. Know what I mean?
Rip – Every time I look at you, I know exactly what you mean.
When you fight for a thing, the thing don’t care if you win or lose because the thing ain’t alive. But when you fight for people, they care.
I think heaven’s right here. So’s hell. One person can be walking the clouds right next to someone enduring eternal damnation. And God is the land.
Beth Dutton
you just think the word “fight” and a fight’ll find you.
Carter – I know what I want to be when I grow up.
What’s that, kid?
I want to be him. (About Rip)
Worry not, Daddy. Only the good die young. If a meteor strikes earth tonight, it is me and the cockroaches running this mtherf*ker tomorrow.
Beth Dutton

I think about now. I think about tomorrow. But I don’t give much thought to yesterday.
Beth -Yesterday is what eats me.
Rip – Baby, yesterday is what eats everybody. That’s why I don’t think about it.
Wherever something good’s trying to happen, something bad is trying to stop it.
When you are without memories, without regrets to ponder, without fantasies to embrace or to reject, what will you think of then? What will come to you depends on how hard you pray and how much you suffer.
Thomas Rainwater
Monica – I love you. I don’t tell you that enough.
Kayce – – I never doubt it.
If it doesn’t make you cry to watch your family ride away, you probably shouldn’t have one.

Beth Dutton quotes from Yellowstone:
You’re in real estate or something equally as unimportant, married, couple of kids, one on the way. That was your excuse to come out here. Need the break. Work, family life. It’s so demanding. A little fresh air, a little “me time.” You came alone ’cause none of your friends could afford it, and those who do, theyā¦ they have wives a lot smarter than yours ’cause let’s be honest, Ted, you didn’t come here to fish. You’re hunting. That’s why you’re sitting in a bar instead of standing in a river.
I ain’t judging you, buddy. I’m hunting too, just not hunting you.
You look like a real soft-f##k, Ted. All you city boys do.
Penance you earn. Closure you find. Look somewhere else, and you might.
I’m not going anywhere. Just tell me who to fight.
John – Everyone.
You need to look closer when you look at me, Lynelle. I ruin careers for a living. You sleep in my mother’s bed again, and I will ruin yours.
It’s only the things I love that die, Rip, never me.
Better have a big pistol in that purse.
Beth – I do. It’s called my name. Beth Dutton. What’s yours?
Everything I do is for him, and everything you do is for you.
John – That’s not the glow of a blushing bride.
Beth – the blush was fu**ed out of me years ago.
It’s only the things I love that die, Rip, never me.
Every now and then, you say something that makes me think you’re smart. And then I look at you and that thought fades.
Wow, that’s really deep, Jamie. You must be watching TED Talks on YouTube.
Everything I do is for him and everything you do is for you. The only reason I’m here is ’cause he can’t trust you.
Where’s the fun in wrecking a single man? When I break you, I want to know that I’m breaking generations.
I wouldn’t let that cocksucker pay for my funeral.
You think about everyone else in your life, but you. And you do what’s best for them.
Sobriety is bliss.
I can see things in people, and I feel like if
can touch itā¦ even if the rest of the person is rotten, I can take that good thing and I can make it part of me.
Morality, loyalty, not part of the equation
for you.
I got to tell you something and it comes from a place of love. You should really consider
killing yourself.
We’ll see how tough you are after I give it to you.
Beth – – Challenge accepted.
Jason! Look at me! They want to see you scared. Don’t give them the satisfaction.
You know, houses are like boats: they need to be Christened.
Don’t judge us for the way we protect the thing we’re giving you.
You can’t get hard for a woman who isn’t scared of you. You want me to cry? Huh? Need me to cry and scream and try and get away? I doubt I’ll even feel it. Go on. Pull it out. Pullit out and let me fuā¬king see it! Let me see that needle God forced you to go through life with.
You know one day, Jamie, as much as it f##kin’ astonishes meā¦ someone will love you. And you’ll love somebody. And I can’t wait to take that from you. Even if I have to kill it with my bare hands, I will take it from you.
You have a kind soul. The whole world can see it. Some of the world’s gonna hate you for it.
But that’s a conversation for another time. That we’ll never have.
-Is there anything you ever wanted to do that you didn’t do because everybody would watch you and question you and now doing it is in spite of them and it’s about something else and the moment you imagined is not the moment that you were living?
You are many things, but baby, funny is not one of them.
You know why I always run away? There’s only so much I can give to you, Rip.
Rip – No. You can give me everything.
I’ve made two decisions in my life based on fear. And they cost me everything.
You are the trailer park. I am the tornado.
I’m going to tell you a little secret: the more you become what he wanted you to become, the more hell hate you for it.
You know, when you consider the pain that you cause a person the person’s faultā¦ thats evil, Jamie.
The world doesn’t value your way of life anymore, Dad.
I’m pretty hard to get rid of.
What about your brother? Can he be trusted?
Beth – I wouldn’t buy water from that motherf##ker if I was in the desert.
Well, that’s what it means. It means that youā¦ that you have me, that I’m yours. It means “come live your life with me,” and the only thing I ask is you outlive me so l never have to live another day without you.
Everything I do is for you. To please you. To protect you. And I can tell you what I think is best, with data and facts and zero emotion, but I will do whatever it is you tell me to do.
The sting never fades with me. It is a painful lesson. And one you’re about to learn.
Season 4 :
Let’s be honest, you’re probably going to be in jail in a few years. What’s a cigarette gonna hurt?
Carter – Why do you say that?
Because your life is a mess and you’re perfectly fine with it, because you’ve had no one to admire. No one to set an example. Now you’re a lazy piece of s#it, right?
I am the rock therapists break themselves against.
I’m the bigger bear.
There’s only four ways to get rich, kid. Four. That’s it. Inherit it. That ain’t happening for you. You steal it. You do not have, my friend, the patience, the power or quite honestly the intellect to steal anything of substance and keep it, so work really, really fu##ing hard. You fail. Learn more. Fail more. And don’t let anyone outwork you. Ever.
Carter – What’s option four?
Learn how to suck a dick like you lost your car keys in it.
But in the meantime, his dream is my Alamo, and I will die on the fu##ing wall defending it.
-I love you. I’ll see you at the house. But fu## you.
You apply logic to your decisions with no emotion. I respect that. But asking a wolf to protect the sheep, that is a mistake.
I think she can make Montana the fastest growing state in the nation. Behind every milestone of human history stands a monster. And that’s our monster.
And my loyalty is the one thing on this planet that you don’t have to worry about.
I’m going to bankrupt him first. I want his f##king grandchildren on welfare. You break your word to me, lady, I’ll do the same to you.
I’m intermittent fasting.
What’s that mean?
Uh, nothing but coffee and cigarettes ’til noon, and then I can eat what the f##k I want. until I start drinking at six.
John – I’d like to meet the doctor who came up with that diet.
It’s the largest ranch in Montana. We can accommodate Denmark.
You should get tested for chlamydia, you f##king hippie.
Summer – I hope you find a therapist who can help you.
Beth – I hope you die of a#s cancer.
You’re one of those, huh? The kind of man who uses flowers to Say “I’m sorry” because he doesn’t have the balls to say it himself.
You do what l ask the way I say do it. You ask questions when you don’t understand. Never lie to me.
wherever something good is trying to happen, something bad is trying to stop it? I’m something bad.
You know, life isn’t a longevity contest. It’s a contest in quality.
Rip – Life is plenty hard, you don’t need to help it, you hear me?
Beth – You’re saying I make life harder?
Rip – -Every day.
I fight so hard for you, Dad. And you do nothing to help me. You do the opposite.
There is keep the kingdom or there is lose the kingdom.
You lost your mother, kid. You don’t get another. I lost mine. Same goes for me.
And you, no matter where you hide, he will find you and will tear you apart with his bare f##king hands.
Season 5;
You have invited your worst enemy to sleep in your bed, and if you think that she was fuing you last night, give her three months– the real fu*ng is coming.
Beth – Do you ever think about us?
Rip – Us is all I think about.
One big, happy family. And an assistant. And a hooker. I don’t know what could make this any better.
This is my f**king house. You will show me and everyone in it respect, do you understand?
Summer – What respect do I get?Beth – you’ll get exactly what you give. I don’t hide from what I do.
Check out more Beth Dutton quotes from all seasons.
Rip Wheeler quotes:
What’s the rule about fighting, Fred? You wanna fight somebody, you come fight me! I’l fight you all goddamn day!
These guys, they just work here, Jimmyā¦ You’ll see a thousand of them come and go. But not us. We die here. This is your family. We’re your family.
Life is a lesson, boy, one long lesson, but youāve got to look to learn them.
Getting in trouble’s the only skill you got. The only difference now is you ain’t gonna get caught.
They come and go, Jimmy. But not us.
There’s plenty of good in you, Beth. And none in that son of a bi##h.
My job is to protect this family, and you are the worst thing for it.
All right? There ain’t no such thing as luck. But I sure believe in stupid. ’cause you prove it every f##king day.
This is my family. Whether any of you all think of me that way or not.
And “I’m sorry” is two words you never have to say to me.
yesterdayās what eats everybody. Thatās why I donāt think about it.
But I was built to go through hell, Beth.
He called me his son.
And we’re all alone, Rip. We can do whatever we want.
Rip – Baby, you’ve been doing whatever you want your whole damn life.
You know, when you boil life down, its funny just how little you need, isn’t it?
You know why, uh, people don’t come and talk to you? ‘Cause they’re scared they’re going to let you down. I know I am.
John – – Well, if you’re marrying Beth, you’ve already proved you’re not scared of anything.
Lloyd -Well, you know, you did something that no one does, Rip. You’ve outlived your past.
Rip – Maybe so, Lloyd. Maybe so.
I look at every day with you as a gift. My tomorrows are.. Well, they’re all yours,
Kayce, I got no problem with a man that does what he’s told.
You turn your back on me now and I’m gonna take something from you, too.
You all wanted revenge Well, now you got it. But there’s a price to pay for revenge. Now you gotta pay it.
Hey, Mama. I met somebody. I’m gonna spend the rest of my life with her. I could have gone to some store and bought her some fu##ing ring, but what does that mean? S##t, I’m sorry. I want her to wear yours. Maybe you can, uhā¦ Maybe you can know her a little too, somehow.
I’d rather kill a thousand men than shoot another horse.
Season 4;
Life is a lesson, boy. One long lesson.
Life doesn’t give people like you chances, kid, if you haven’t noticed, and asking for one is a waste of Goddamn time.
There’s no fighting on this ranch. You want to fight somebody, you come fight me. I’ll fight you all fu##ing day.
There’s two roads in life. One is you’re winning or learning. And the other is that you’re losing all the way to the f##king grave. Boy, you’d better choose quickly or life’s gonna choose it for you.
Being brought into this world wasn’t something that my family celebrated.
You have no futureā¦ Noneā¦ Beyond this place. And if you don’t find a way to get her trust back,you’re not gonna have this either. And then your life is, well,it’s like your father’s life.And you know how that ended.
There ain’t nobody that wants that son of a bi##h dead more than me, but the ranch comes first. And you forgot that.
Beth, why can’t you tell me what you’re thinking instead of half of what we’re doing and none of the why and then I spend the rest of the day trying to figure out what you’re up to?
Beth – Because then you’re going to spend the whole day thinking about me.
Rip – – I do that already.
Rip – We’re looking for something. but you won’t tell me what. What is it? The place where you make me your wife.
Rip- What kind of place you loo king for?
Beth – Somewhere fresh. Not a barn, or a swimming hole, or the river. Those places are polluted with a thousand fuc##ng memories. I want a place with no memories. A place where nothing happened until we happened.
You can run away and then wander back in a few years and think that everything’s gonna be the same, but it won’t. I mean, he might be gone. S#it, this ranch might be gone. And when it’s gone, baby, I’m gone. You break your promise to meā¦ and it stays broken.
Jimmy, cowboys don’t say goodbye. They say, “see you later,” till we’re in that fu##ing dirt. We’ll say our goodbyes then.
Beth, I can’t stop your father from doing anything. He does what he does because he thinks he’s right. I can either help him or I can watch him.
It was my mother’s ring. We didn’t have much, Beth, we were poor, but it’s yours. So am l.
Come here, Jimmy. I want you to know you always have a place here. All right? Hey, I’m proud of you.
Season 5:
I think about now. I think about tomorrow. But I don’t give much thought to yesterday.
Beth -Yesterday is what eats me.
Rip – Baby, yesterday is what eats everybody. That’s why I don’t think about it.
Honey, you got a mean streak as big as this damn valley.
Beth – Well, it’s a woman’s job to give a man perspective, baby.
And you. I don’t know you. But I know this, you’re never going to convince someone to think the way that you think by insulting them in their own house. If you don’t like the food, don’t fu*ing eat it. I don’t think I need to tell you about all the people that are starving around this planet tonight. So, maybe shut the fuk up and say thank you.
Check out more Rip Wheeler quotes from all seasons.
Kayce Dutton quotes;
There ain’t no fighting on this ranch. If you want to fightā¦ You come fight me.
Grown men don’t live with their fathers.
Beth – Yeah they also don’t kick other men out of the only home they’ve ever had.
In case you don’t already know, there’s no such thing as heaven.
Kayce? What makes you think you wouldn’t pass a psyche evaluation?
Kayce – My whole life.
-Well, when I have a day worth talking about, I’ll shout it from the damn rooftop.
He says he’ll do something, you’re not gonna stop him.
We just want to live our lives the way we’ve been living them for the past hundred years. And you keep coming here and trying to take it away from us. All we just want you to fuc|Ćing stop.
Pull the trigger and you’re the devil.
Kayce – -I’m already the devil.
Soldiers don’t tell war stories anymore, Dad. ‘Cause wars these daysā¦ it’s just about trying to live through ’em.
There’s people whoā¦ All they care about is more. How to get more. Take more. And they’ll stop at nothing. As long as it leads to more.
-Well, ain’t that the thing about problems, Dad? No matter how long you’re gone, they’ll be right here when you get back.
I don’t care where I live so long as we live together.
-I promised my wife I’d kill you. All a man has is his word.
This place isn’t evil. The people who tried to take it from us were evil. And we’re not evil for defending it.
There’s no such thing as forever, baby. All we can do is live like there’s no tomorrow ’cause one day we’ll be right.
There’s monsters everywhere in this world. You just gotta kill them when you find them.
You know we can’t stop the world from being bad, Monica.
Monica – – Doesn’t mean we shouldn’t try.
Jamie -I need some advice, brotherā¦ If I can still call you that.
Kayce – ‘Til the day you die you better never call me anything else.
When you fight for a thing, the thing don’t care if you win or lose because the thing ain’t alive. But when you fight for people, they care.
God wouldn’t let you love something. that can’t love you back.
Killers don’t seek their victims’ approval.
John Dutton’s quotes from Yellowstone:
You can’t reason with evil, son. Evil wants what it wants and won’t stop until it’s won or you kill it. The only way to kill it is to be meaner than evil. That’s going to be your last lesson, son: how to be meaner than evil and still love your family. And still enjoy a sunrise.
We’re enemies now.
Someday your son’s gonna test you. He’s gonna force you to make a decision that not only determines his future but your place in it. I want you to remember me standing here, son, before you make that decision, because thisā¦ this is a consequence of choosing wrong.
It wasn’t a move. I’m just meaner than you.
Yeah, that’s right. Nothing happens in this valley I don’t know about.
All the angels are gone, son. There’s only devils left.
You think you’re winning this game, you don’t even know the goddamn rules. But don’t worry: I’m gonna teach them to you.
Oh, it killed mine, too. Just taking it longer to die.
Brand isn’t something you earn, it’s something you live up to.
Living day to day isn’t living, Monica, it’s surviving, with no regard for tomorrow.
Tomorrow’s the only thing a parent is supposed to live for.
They’re perfect for each other. Both allergic to logic.
This is America. We don’t share land here.
The whole county’s turning on me, Rip. The whole f##king place.
It doesn’t matter how manyā¦ people sit at the table, honey. What matters is they have a place to sit. The table’s the only thing that matters.
Well, all the world’s a test, son. Don’t ever let it trick you into thinking different.
Even your walk is angry, sweetheart.
what did you do to scare the only person I know who doesn’t get scared?
It’s the one constant in life- If you build something worth having, someone’s gonna try and take it.
No one has a right. You have to take the right. Or stop it from being taken from you.
My whole life is just a longā¦ series of losing things I love. But I’m not gonna lose this one, Rip.
I know who loves me. I know who’s loyal. I always have.
If there’s a heaven, and I sure hope soā¦
Know what dreams are? It’s your memories and your imagination all mixed together inā¦ into this soup of what’s real and what’s made up. But the thing about this soup is: you can change the ingredients, Tate. You can put in whatever you want to.
Decide what you’re gonna dream. And that’ll be the dream.
This is my home. If I did this to your home, what would you do?
My man said you if you didn’t leave we’d bury you here. And you didn’t leave. We keep our word in this valley.
Happy is all I’ve ever wanted for you, sweetheart. Youā¦ Give him your hand if he gives you that.
Secrets are like a callus on your heart. And every secret feels just like that. Tell enough of them, and before longā¦ Your heart won’t feel a thing.
If you’re joining the family can you please be the one person in it who f##kin’ talks to me?
Rip – I love her, sir. I’Il always take care of her.
John – That’s why I said yes.
No pride, honey. It’s justā¦ I made a promise. And I’d rather lose it than break it.
You don’t send them off half-cocked. You be smart about this. You figure out a plan that works, and you take that trash to the f##king train station.
Season 4;
I’m sorry people came after you to get to me. That’s not what you signed up for. I’m sorry youā¦ I’m sorry you went through that.
Whatever he did, don’t forget who he is to you. To both of us.
Rip – Who he is to us, sir, is the reason why he’s still walking.
So if you want a devil you really know, here he is.
You’re a good man, Kayce. But sometimes good men have to do real bad things. Doesn’t change who you are.
but you have really disappointed me, honey. Goddamn, Beth, I never thought I’d feel this way about you before, but you have really disappointed me, honey. And I never thought I’d say that about you.
Here an article with best John Dutton Quotes.
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