25+ best quotes from Wind Breaker anime

Wind Breaker is making its place among the top animes during this period thanks to its intriguing and fun-to-watch storyline along with the action sequence and animation.

Since it’s a story about delinquents, most of the show revolves around the themes of strength and weakness. Haruka Sakura ends up in an environment where he is being praised for the same qualities that were earlier questioned and hated by others.

Haruka Sakura's quote from Wind Breaker anime
Haruka Sakura’s quote from Wind Breaker anime

Here are some of the best quotes from Wind Breaker anime:

I gotta say this, if nothing else. Everyone… Defend the town. We were given the name Bofurin. And under that name, you will protect people, property, feelings, and everything important. That is this school’s one and only rule. – Hajime Umemiya

Even though the school was filled with delinquents, the people of that town accepted it and relied on those students for their protection and safety from outsiders.

This speech was the introduction of the top power holder in the Bofurin gang, he delivered that message to everyone who joined the party. And it was not a surprise that students respected their leader and followed his will.

if you bring trouble, or harm people
or property beyond here, Bofurin will purge you,
no matter who you are.

That’s the line writer all across the town. It serves as a principle for those who enter the town.

Only the strong are free to do as they please!

— Jo Togame
Jo Togame quotes from Wind Breaker anime
Jo Togame quotes from Wind Breaker anime

The second in command of the ‘Lion’s Head’ gang was no mere joke. His appearance had stories and secrets which we were eager to uncover. Though the gang was operating off-track, their ideals and beliefs about strength were unshakeable.

If you only make a fuss when you’re the victim, then you’re still a petulant kid.

Hayato Suo
Hayato Suo from Wind Breaker manga
Hayato Suo from Wind Breaker manga

His opponent was one of those guys who enjoyed and laughed at his fellow member who was being punished for being beaten by members of Bofurin. But, he failed to imagine the outcome if the same thing would have happened to him.

Suo is a person with a cool and calm personality who always tries to maintain a smile in most cases. He merely loses his cool in silly conversations, unlike Sakura or other characters.

What do you think you need to do
to strengthen your imagination? – Hayato Suo

You’re imagining yourself in the position of a guy you made fun of. And that’s the answer.

It was one of the most valuable lessons one could acquire from this anime/manga. Suo pointed out the fact that it’s important to imagine yourself in the same position as the guy who’s being punished or made fun of. That’s the way to strengthen and refine our imagination.

I didn’t realize other people.. were so warm.

— Haruka Sakura

Because he has never had any chance to get closer to other people. And there are several things that we learn only upon interaction with those things that we had negative thoughts about. Our perspective and the way we think about them change and make us realize how wrong we were about them.

Only enjoying fights doesn’t make you much fun, either.

— Toma Hiragi

Hiragi was one of the four strongest after Umemiya. However, strength is not the only spotlight on Bofurin. There’s mutual understanding and a sense of common goal.

So, you only have fun when you fight? I mean, I get that. We used to be the same way. talking to folks, needing them and being needed… That’s pretty fun, too.

— Toma Hiragi

That’s the force that keeps the gang lovely. They need to protect the people not just from other gangs and individuals, but also provide them with daily life assistance.

You think beating up the weak shows strength?

— Haruka Sakura

Strength is the topic that is involved in most of their affairs. At the end of the day, it all comes down to the concept of strength that the individuals have created based on their assessments and experiences.

Punches are a language that sometimes works better than words. Though I guess that’s only true for guys like us.

— Hajime Umemiya

Sakura was still unable to catch the true essence of this sentence. He replied that there was nothing of that sort which he leaned from his fight with Togame.

This is the first time I’ve ever fought for someone else… I don’t know why, but… I feel more unbeatable than ever!

— Haruka Sakura

One of the reasons we’re following Wind Breaker’s story is to understand how deeper Sakura goes in terms of understanding the environment around him.

Becoming an adult means being considerate of others. That takes imagination and experience.

— Hayato Suo

A valuable lesson for everyone. It’s like understanding how life impacts different people. Depending upon those assessments, interaction must be planned.

We believe that strength is everything. We accept the strong. The stronger you are, the higher you can go.

Jo Togame

For a long time, the Lion’s Head group functioned normally and moved ahead with just ideals. However, things began to crumble and compilations made its impact.

Fights are conversations, Sakura.

Hajime Umemiya

Most of you might like this idea about fights.

Going fast isn’t a bad thing, but sometimes being too hasty can be unsatisfying.

Jo Togame

Just like the way things went for their leader. Anyway, we’re all aware of the consequences that might evolve when things are done hastily without much consideration.

Running your mouth at people, trying to act cool… Only the strong can get away with that.

— Jo Togame

The status of a person determines the quality of attention that their words and actions receive. It serves as background support for their deeds.

You can’t even be yourself without power to back it up!

Haruka Sakura

Power is essential in every case. it could be financial, physical, or intellectual.

But if that’s really how you see me… Just like the people I hate the most… Then you won’t beat me…. even if you kill me.

Haruka Sakura

Because Sakura would never accept being defeated by someone who harbors hate toward him based on his appearance.

Everyone here is always aiming higher. They make a vow to assert themselves. That’s what it means to believe strength is everything.

— Jo Togame

Lion’s Head group was never meant to bully others or spread fear among others. Their ideals were simply a source for self-assessment and constant growth which makes an individual satisfied.

Your punches are light. Do you know why that is? Because there’s nothing behind them.

— Hajime Umemiya
Hajime Umemiya quotes from Wind Breaker anime/manga
Hajime Umemiya quotes from Wind Breaker anime/manga

And just like Sakura, even his leader Umemiya refuses to be defeated by someone who fails to understand the purpose behind their decisions.

You don’t look like you’re having fun to me. You don’t know anything about yourself. That’s why you’re unsatisfied. Why you focus on what-ifs.

— Hajime Umemiya

The entire fight was a process through which the Lion’s Ahead recalled their purpose.

I hope you enjoyed all the lines I could gather. Do share the post with those who are into Wind Breaker anime.

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Hello everyone, I'm Purosotam, the owner of this site. Creating Blogs and writing has been my passion ever since I explored the internet. I usually write quotes-related articles, however, anime/manga and gaming are something that add fun to my busy life...

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