Here’s 40+ Best Irelia Quotes and voice lines from Lol

Dancing was Irelia’s way to appreciate and experience the beauty that life provided to everyone, but fate didn’t allow her to continue blooming like a flower.

“Fight for the First Lands!”

Here in this post, I have shared all the Irelia quotes and voice lines from League of Legends.

First, there are the most meaningful and deep lines from Irelia which I have explained in brief.

Irelia quotes and voice lines from League of Legends
Irelia quotes and voice lines from League of Legends

If she is your main champion, those lines might have formed a connection with you by now.

Below are the best Irelia quotes and voice lines:

  • Peace must sometimes be bought with blood.
  •  Freedom has a demanding rhythm.
  • You do not know burden until you’ve seen a thousand people hanging on your every word.
  • Ours is the land of magic, and that is worth dying for.
  •  Raise a hand to us, and you’ll find it missing.
  •  They came for our magics. They’ll pay with their lives.
  • Like a knife in the dark.
  • For the bones of our fathers, and the temples of our gods!
  • An ocean separates us; for good reason.
  • I’ve never killed a person… just a lot of Noxians.
  • I move to unsung melodies and unbeaten rhythms.
  • “I have walked the silver plains and fished the rivers of grass. The land knows me.
  • The voices of my brothers still carry on the wind.
  • These blades were whetted on the bones of tyrants.
  • Here are our terms. You leave, and you live.
  • Zelos told the worst jokes… How I miss them.
  • Stay ready, and there is no need to get ready.
  • We are the children of the First Lands; and we will not be slaves!
  •  Ours is the land of magic, and that is worth dying for.
  • They’ll know me as the last to lay down her weapons.
  • They’ll know me as the last to lay down her weapons.
  • They’ll know me as the last to lay down her weapons.
  • Bring them down, from the inside.
  • Hold your ground!
  • Beauty can grow from the murkiest water.
  • There’s a saying: ‘Never fight Ionians on their home soil.
  • Remember why we fight!
  • What strange power works through me, I do not know.
  • I pledged myself to darkness. It has called in the debt.
  •  Give them an inch, they’ll take a kingdom.
  • Dance with what brought you—in this case, blades.
  • This ice never melts. Just like our will!

Deep Irelia quotes and voice lines:

Irelia quotes from LOL
Irelia quotes from LOL

Remember what’s been lost; fight for what hasn’t been.

To live under a boot, is not to live.

Freedom requires complete liberty to act according to own will under certain specific conditions set by the law of the land.

However, as for Irelia and her people, freedom was long lost as they were invaded and ruled by the Noxians.

We will live on… Either in victory, or in the scars we leave on them!

But their significance would somehow remain and continue to impact or influence further actions.

True will cannot be defeated.

It will always prevail in the end.

A single pebble may sink a warship… And a thousand pebbles… (laughs quietly)”

A perfect example that unity would ultimately turn into a greater weapon either for destruction or preservation. If one single unit poses great potential, another of a similar kind would be an unstoppable force if banded together.

Live today like you’re going to die tomorrow.

League of Legends
League of Legends

One of the most meaningful and inspiring quotes by Irelia. This quote holds the potential to shape an individual’s course of action. As it fuels them with enthusiasm to continue working hard and making every day count.

We stand on the bones of the ones who came before us. For them, we fight!”

Navori was the place which accepted peace in all terms. They avoided conflicts and restrained themselves from causing harm to any individual in any circumstances possible.

But after the land was invaded by the Noxian army, all the beauty of the land perished and the melody of peace no longer lingers in Navori.

I remember when I danced for fun.

She witnessed beauty in human movement and persuaded dancing. But after her family is killed by the Noxians and her land captured, she now dances to end those invaders. There’s no longer fun in her dancing, there’s only pain left.

Better times there were, and will be again.

The land is now consumed by hatred and war. It was only after the Noxians invaded that different rebellious factions emerged all across the land and people continued draining the lives of their people even after they were freed from the hands of Noxians.

But Irelia is now aiming to bring peace back to their lands as she leads an army herself and continues to pursue her goal of ultimate peace and harmony.

Do we want to be safe, or free? The choice is ours.

Safety was an option for the people to choose and by doing so, they might be able to secure a somehow decent life among the chaos. However, it would not be the ultimate solution.

Therefore, Irelia and her people strive to free the land once and for all even though it requires a lot of their efforts and attention.

I have but one life to give for Ionia. I must make it count.

Novari is a place in Ionia. And Xan Irelia now holds the power to be able to influence people and defend against those who oppose her. She is determined to bring back peace even at the cost of her own life.

We are sharpest where we break.

A beautiful example to inspire everyone and empower the broken souls to turn their weakness into their most devastating weapon.

The best example that breaks this quote might be a person who was holding back his powers and avoiding confrontation because he had someone dear to protect.

And if that certain someone is gone, it would cause him permanent grief and sorrow, but at the same time, he no longer has any reason to hold his power back.

Never stop learning. There’s always a form you don’t know.

Learning always has its fair share of advantages. Knowledge might seem irrelevant to most people when they’re on their journey to acquire it.

But later down the line, they definitely would come across something that requires the knowledge they have been gathering. It takes time, but knowledge always helps improve.

And one should always strive to be more proficient at things they do.

MLBB quotes images

Even if they kill me, they’ll still have to fight the land.

Many warriors looked up to Irelia. Her ultimate demise would not be the end for Navori or Ionia.

Be the leader they need.

Be the leader that the situation demands. A perfect leader’s fight priority is to understand the reason behind people’s intention of following him/her.

There’s a saying: ‘Never fight Ionians on their home soil’.

A motivational line that she might be using to maintain an energetic environment in the army.

Besides, Ionia is home to many great champions in League of Legends, for example, we have Yone, Yasuo, Ahri, etc.

I never meant to lead. I fought, and they followed.

She was filled with grief and pain after witnessing her father and brother taken down by the Noxian. She couldn’t do much at that moment, but her resolve never faded and she avenged her family crushing all the Noxians on her way.

Her name was known throughout Ionia and warriors with hope in their hearts, followed Irelia.

I am both the tranquil sea and the tempest.

She cannot be judged based on appearance. Responsibilities have made her a disastrous force as well as a soothing sensation.

We are the only masters of our fate!

It should not be left for someone else to control. Always be the driver of your fate. Any action needed for us to step forward must be a result of our efforts.

I am not unfriendly! I am a warm a caring person.

But fate had something else for her in store. She was left with no other option but to fight.

My dance has forty-two forms. They’ll only see one.

The form that best suits them. She might be referring to the invaders.

Harm no one… Unless they come to your home.

A home is a place where someone remembers you. It’s an identity shared by several members.

To her, Navori was her home.

They await my words… What should I tell them…?”

The aftermath of the war with the Noxians was not a simple matter to solve or direct. Several factions came into existence and the people of Ionia fought against their brothers. Ultimately, they awaited answers from Irelia regarding the matter.

But she didn’t want to hold that position where matters of lives could be decided. Her powers made Irelia stand out, but she had doubts about them.

Peace requires two participants.

Throughout history, peace is formed when leaders of two different groups cease to go against each other and join hands instead, hoping to Co-operate and co-exist.

Irelia lore In brief:

Irelia was a lady who loved the beauty of human movement. She was brought up under the guidance and care of her grandmother who taught her dancing moves.

As a result, one day she left Navori, (the place in Ionia where she was born and spent her childhood days) to master proficiency at the art of dancing along with some of the most respected performers in Ionia.

The people of Ionia lived in harmony and always dealt with matters peacefully, violence was never an option.

However, the peace-seeking land couldn’t hold its essence against the Noxian invaders who caused great destruction and violently ceased control over the place.

Irelia returns home only to find that her father and brother who opposed the invasion are already buried in unnamed graves along with others.

She was enraged in grief after witnessing the incident and saw some Noxian troops looting valuables from her house and among the loot was their precious family crest. She tries to get her hands on the crest while confronting the army but eventually fails to do so.

She was hurled to the ground by the Noxian Admiral Duqal who ordered his man to destroy the crest and dig a grave for Irelia.

The crest was destroyed and shattered into three pieces, however, it was the moment when Irelia awakened her powers to control those broken shards, killing two Noxians in the process.

Admiral Duqal was stunned along with his men, after witnessing the little girl’s powers.

She retrieves those pieces of her family crest and flees into the forest where she mourns the death of her family members.

She then joins the rebellion and continues to fight for her homeland and its freedom from the hands of Noxians.

Three years later, she successfully defeated the Noxian Admiral Duqal Swain and avenged her family.

But after this battle her name was known throughout Ionia and people considered her to be their ultimate leader who would restore peace to their unruled land.

Was Irelia happy with her life?

She avenged her family but deep inside, there was a feeling of emptiness that consumed her slowly. She harboured self-doubts and couldn’t determine the paths to follow.

Her biggest regret was to use their family crest which once represented peace, as a weapon of mass destruction. She had taken countless lives with those shattered pieces of the Xan family’s crest.

She wasn’t sure if the path she chose was the right choice to make. But, everything would fall into its rightful place once she meets an old lady at a graveyard.

The lady was mourning the death of her nephew while singing an old melody. Irelia approaches her and they begin to talk about war and peace.

The old lady teaches Irelia that things change with time and circumstances and there’s nothing wrong with it.

She goes on to say that the same old Ionia isn’t the only option for people to lead a peaceful life after the war, and they should accept reality while seeking peace in the process.

The one person that changed Irelia’s life was that old lady. She taught Irelia not to regret her actions and accept the outcomes of the war.

It was only after talking to that old lady that Irelia smiled after many years. She was no longer held back by any form of regrets or self-doubts and continued on her journey to bring peace to Navori.

Why is Irelia’s story interesting?

The incidents in life deeply affected her personality and she decided to use the symbol of peace as a weapon.

But as she continued, she not only confronted the invaders but also had to eliminate many of her own.

She lived with regrets and self-doubts along with deep resentments. It was like she had lost track of who she was and what is she fighting for.

However, upon her interaction with an old lady, everything in her life changes. She smiled for the first time in years and would continue to do it from there on.

All the regrets that she carried were now gone and she acknowledged her true self while accepting the fact that change is an inevitable force that holds the potential to shape things in a more structured manner.

Hello everyone, I'm Purosotam, the owner of this site. Creating Blogs and writing has been my passion ever since I explored the internet. I usually write quotes-related articles, however, anime/manga and gaming are something that add fun to my busy life...

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